Resona Health Articles November 18, 2019
These days, there's a lot of conversation about stress and how it affects our health. If you're a mom, you've probably felt stressed at times: when you've been overworked, deprived of sleep, or concerned about the bills. What about girls, though? Do kids get stressed out?
Children of all ages may be affected by stress. Since experiences do not seem stressful to an adult, in the same way, parents often fail to consider stress in their children's lives. Childhood stress, on the other hand, if left unaddressed, may lead to anxiety and, in turn, to more serious physical and mental health problems in the future. As parents and caregivers, we will assist our children in identifying stressors and teaching them how to cope.
Of course, this does not imply that we will eliminate all sources of tension in our children's lives. We shouldn't, either, because manageable stress is a good motivator for kids (i.e., the stress imposed by a teacher helps for doing well in school, or making and sustaining friendships). Reasonable levels of stress can teach your child how to cope with normal adulthood, which often includes inevitable stressors such as those associated with work, families, and financial obligations. Continuous and constant stress is something we can help children escape.
What to Be Aware Of:
Many parents believe that their children are adaptable and resilient to change. This could be valid for a large number of children. However, tension, no matter how minor, may have a negative impact. Since most children haven't learned how to deal with stress, they could be affected by changes.
How do you know when it's time to assist a child in dealing with stress?
Here are some warning signs and symptoms to keep an eye out for:
Sleep disturbances (e.g., nightmares, fear of the dark)
Appetite decreases (e.g., loss of interest in food)
Irritableness (e.g., anxiety, worries, inability to relax)
A refusal to enroll in school
Headaches from Bedwetting
Stranger anxiety
Crying uncontrollably
You are the only one who knows your child better than anyone else. It's important to consider and make time for your child if you observe changes in their behavior, such as mood swings, bedwetting, or acting out. It's also helpful to talk about what's causing your child's stress to help them cope. Make it clear to your children that it's okay to express their emotions.
What Should You Do?
When your children are anxious, spending quality time with them will benefit them. Parents can also do a variety of items, including:
Assemble a home that is as safe, comfortable, and reliable as possible.
Allow your child, within reason, to make decisions and exert power.
Avoid TV shows or movies that may be too frightening for young children.
Encourage your child to share his or her emotions and inquire about them.
If something is going to change, listen to your child and give plenty of notice (e.g., family life, job, home, school)
Allow your child to be patient with you. Your assurances about the situation will help your child cope with anxiety and stress. If things don't seem to be getting better, speak to your pediatrician; he or she will help you find any additional services you may need.

Resona Health Articles July 26, 2018
Coping with the loss of a loved one can be one of the most difficult obstacles you'll ever face, and not just in terms of your emotional well-being. Grief may have a detrimental impact on your physical health as well. Here are five ways grief can affect you emotionally and physically, as well as advice on how to work with your healthcare provider to treat any symptoms you may be experiencing.
1. Immune system deficiency
The immune system defends your body against disease-causing organisms. Grief has been shown to affect the immune system. According to one report, older adults who had lost a loved one had weaker immune systems than those who had not.
Infections and sicknesses can also be caused by a compromised immune system. In the first year after the death of an infant or child, 249 people registered a total of 404 acute illnesses, according to a survey. Colds and flu, headaches, anxiety, infections, depression, and angina were the most common (severe chest pains).
2. Misuse of alcohol and other drugs
In a study of 235 sons and daughters who had lost a parent, researchers discovered that they had a 2.4 times greater risk of alcohol and drug abuse than sons and daughters who had not lost a parent.
3. Depressed mood
According to a survey, one out of every four widows and widowers suffers from clinical depression in the first year following their spouse's death.
4. Lack of sleep
Several studies have shown that grieving people have difficulty falling and staying asleep. If the individual was depressed or not, this was the case. Sleep deprivation may harm one's wellbeing.
Where do you get grief counseling?
Grief may also make it difficult for an individual to work in their everyday lives (known as complicated grief). If you have any of the above symptoms over time, speak to your doctor.
You're having trouble going through your daily routines.
I don't want to engage in social interactions any longer.
Feeling depressed or sad.
Feeling bad or blaming yourself is not a good idea.
Believe you did something wrong or should have done something to avoid death.
You might feel as though you've lost your sense of direction in life.
Feel as if life is no longer worth living.
I wish you had died as well.
Grief is natural after the death of a loved one, and the mourning process can take a long time. If you feel you need assistance overcoming your grief, talk to your doctor or a mental health provider. In people who have clinical depression and complicated grief, psychotherapy (a form of counseling) or medications may be prescribed.
Preparing for your appointments ahead of time may be beneficial. To begin, make a list of:
Describe your symptoms and how long you've had them (e.g., fatigue, depression, changes in appetite).
Any extra big stressors or health changes you've experienced after losing a loved one.
Your medical background
The prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and nutrients you're taking.
You'd like to ask your doctor a few questions.
There are other things you can do to assist yourself, such as:
Exercise daily.
Having enough sleep and eating nutritious foods.
It's time to pick up a new skill.
Being involved in a support group.